Tag Archives: MINDSET

Get Rich Radio – How to read a book


Was introduced to this online radio show, Get Rich Radio via a mentor. Its an interesting online radio concept that shares about various tips on mindset and personal development .

There are many interesting features of this program. One of it is that we can earn ‘scholarship dollars’ for every second the radio is left on. So while we learn, we earn ‘scholarship dollars’ that we can use to get access into MORE information products. And its all FREE!

There are live sessions at certain times of the day. I tend to listen to the streams because of my timezone.

Golden nugget

I just listened to the following stream recorded on 3.6.14 (segment 8), on how to read a book.

The speaker was sharing about how he reads a book, which was very useful to me.

Here’s the steps he takes while reading a book

1. Highlight when he sees an interesting point.

2. Before he moves to the next page, he writes down the reason for highlighting the point on a post it and sticks it to the page.

3. He gets a transcriber to compile all his notes once he is done with the book.

Love #3!

Instead of getting a transcriber, we can do that ourselves and refresh our memories at the same time. Love this. Previously, I tend to read a  book, highlight loads of interesting points but NEVER went back to read it. WHAT’S THE POINT THEN?

I am looking forward to learning and picking up more Golden Nuggets from this online radio show. Join me here if you are keen to learn more too. Its free anyway!:D

FLIP your Mindset

the subtle lessons

Change the way you see life today.

This is an IMPORTANT and EYE-OPENING concept that I picked up recently.

Stop seeing yourself as an employee working for ABC company, instead treat ABC company as your current client.

See yourself as a ONE-MAN BUSINESS. Learn to market and brand yourself. Upgrade your skills and knowledge in order to be able to serve your clients more efficiently and at the same time, charge a higher rate.

By looking at our circumstances this way, we will learn to take more responsibility for our growth and development. Because after all, if you do not do it, nobody else will be responsible for YOUR growth.

Once we get this perception down, we will know that WE are RESPONSIBLE for our own INCOME. Rather than blaming our boss for being unwilling to increase our pay, provide the company with indispensable service and CONTROL your pay. 

Rather than BLAME our circumstances, RESENT the lack of opportunities or passively WAIT for your employer to send you to a course, let us take responsibility for ourselves, our very own ONE-MAN BUSINESS. Study your clients and potential partners, find out what skills and services they need, and cater to them.

Even if you are running a business (or multiple business), keep this concept in mind. We can create and sell businesses, but our ONE-MAN BUSINESS will always remain as our CORE. The skills and expertise you gather and retain in your ONE-MAN BUSINESS will be transferable to all of your future endeavors.



Source: http://www.stepupleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mindset.jpg

“One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change. Personal change is a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment.” – Robert E. Quinn

Reading self-help and motivational books and quotes are only the first step to change. The next MAJOR step is to consistently IMPLEMENT whatever you have learnt from the books. After reading some self-help books, I have many concepts on positive MINDSETS mentally. However, today I realised that KNOWING the concept does not mean that you are LIVING the concepts. It took a good friend and mentor to point that out.

Having lived 23 years of my life guided by my previous MINDSET, it is difficult to change completely over a few weeks or even months. To ensure that our MINDSET is constantly changing and evolving for the better, we have to make a mental note to IMPLEMENT and practice what we learn from the books. Repeat the process until the new MINDSET becomes a habit and overtakes the previous guiding MINDSET.